Home Community Congregation Or Atid – ADL Presentation: Antisemitism In Our Community

Congregation Or Atid – ADL Presentation: Antisemitism In Our Community


On Tuesday, Jan. 24, Congregation Or Atid will host the Anti-Defamation League to address the growing voices of antisemitism in recent months.
The guest speaker will be Rachel Lang, ADL’s Washington, D.C., associate
regional director.

The free program is open to the Greater Richmond Jewish Community and is set for 7-8 p.m. at Congregation Or Atid, 10625 Patterson Ave. Registration is required by visiting https://www.oratid.org/event/coa-hosting-anti-defamation-league-speaker.html

Rachel Lang will provide an overview of the work that ADL does in our communities with a specific focus on the safety and security of our communities, our work with law enforcement, and education programs for K-12 schools.

ADL is a leading anti-hate organization committed to fighting antisemitism and securing justice and fair treatment for all individuals. With its Center on Extremism, ADL works to track extremist trends, ideologies, and groups across the ideological spectrum. The staff of investigators, analysts, researchers, and technical experts strategically monitor, expose and disrupt extremist threats.

In her remarks, she will provide an overview of the State of Hate with a specific focus on combatting antisemitism in our communities.

ADL is a leading provider of anti-bias education. ADL Education empowers students, educators, faculty, communities, and businesses to fight hate, reflect on identity and culture, embrace diversity, and promote school and work environments free of bias and discrimination. When incidents of bias and hate occur in communities, ADL offers resources, support, and programs to not only address the situation but work towards healing.

To learn more about ADL, click here, and for ADL Education work, please click here.