Home Agencies Holiday Services, off-campus excursions for residents

Holiday Services, off-campus excursions for residents


Beth Sholom residents have enjoyed participating in the high holy holiday services this season.

Thank you to David Goldsmith, who led residents in services this fall. On Rosh Hashanah he was assisted by Mr. Patrella, who blew the Shofar at the conclusion.

Off campus excursions continue in this nice fall weather with a trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, shopping, and pumpkin picking. Residents are also enjoying our fall food truck line up for an occasional lunch option.

The Beth Sholom team thanks our Board of Directors for their generous donation of gas cards. Through a raffle each department had a winner

To learn more about Beth Sholom, visit www.bethsholomliving.org.

Beth Sholom Senior Living is supported, in part, by a generous contribution, and programming grants from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.

See more photos from resident trips.