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Or Atid Happenings

Or Atid Religious School Assembly on first day.

By Amy Unger

A Message From Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

Flourish is Congregation Or Atid’s theme for 5783. We hope the coming year will be one of thriving. Like the Psalmist wrote:  The  righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Psalm 92:13. Rashi explains: “Like the palm that produces fruit, and like the cedar insofar as its trunk renews itself.”

In the past two-and-a-half years, with the Covid pandemic in all its variants, we found ourselves stifled and limited in so many ways. Now, as the world learns to breathe again with acceptance and modified living, we need to reclaim our lives with vigor and renewed hope so we may continue to ‘produce fruit’ and reach our full potential.

From our Or Atid family to your family – we invite you to join us at all our services, programming, and engagements, and we wish you, Shanah Tovah, a Good Year, and a year to Flourish!

L’Shanah Tovah,

Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

Upcoming Holiday Worship Services and Celebrations

Sukkot Services/Dinner and Pizza in the Hut

Adults and children (all ages) are welcome to join Congregation Or Atid on Oct. 9th at 6 p.m. for Sukkot Festival Services followed by Pizza in the Sukkah. This is an opportunity to visit the Sukkah at our synagogue while enjoying delicious pizza.  We will shake the lulav and etrog as we celebrate the Festival of Booths.

Please also join us for Sukkot Festival services that will take place on Monday, Oct. 10th at 10 a.m.

Registration for Pizza in the Sukkah and in-person services is requested and can be found at the High Holiday tab on our website at www.oratid.org.

Simchat Torah Celebrations

A Simchat Torah service and dinner will be held at Congregation Or Atid on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 5:30 p.m. Adults and children (all ages) are welcome to attend this uplifting service as we dance around the sanctuary holding the Torah Scrolls in celebration of the Torah.

On Monday, Oct. 17, at 10 a.m. join us for Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah festival service, which includes Yizkor, where we remember family and friends who are no longer with us.

Registration for in-person services and programs is requested and can be found at the High Holiday tab on our website at www.oratid.org.

New Beginnings for Young Families and for Students at Or Atid

On Friday evening, Sept. 9th, Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner led a wonderful Shabbat experience for young families. The celebration, geared toward young children, was an excellent opportunity for families to make new friends and see old faces.

We sang Shabbat songs, prayers, and blessings, all in the backdrop of children smiling, giggling, and joining Rabbi Grinsteiner while she spoke. There was laughter and conversation continued to fill the sanctuary throughout the evening.

Or Atid School students gather for a photo after school before having some fun.

On Sunday, Sept. 11th, Or Atid students of the Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School  were welcomed back to the first day of Religious School. They were buzzing with excitement when they were greeted with balloons lined up all the way to the sanctuary. The excitement continued during the Welcome Assembly as Rabbi Grinsteiner led a joyous and engaging Tefilah. The students sang along with new and old melodies. Rabbi even brought her own tambourine! (See pictures)

At the end of Tefilah, the students started the year with their new teachers. While the students were in class, the parents enjoyed coffee and donuts and discussed the growing partnership between the school and the community.

Parents also attended an open house at their children’s classes and participated in a joint activity centering around Teshuvah and Rosh Hashanah. After the closing assembly, the students rushed to the Gan Chesed/Kindness Garden, to enjoy popsicles. (See pictures)

Corner of Our Fields Tzedakah initiative – Canned Food Donations Needed

Congregation Or Atid invites you to be part of our High Holiday tzedakah initiative where we will be collecting canned and boxed food items to donate to the Weinstein JCC Elmer Toth Food Pantry, a longtime member of FeedMore.

These items will be distributed to those in the community who struggle with hunger. This program is in keeping with the congregation’s long time commitment to the “Corner of Our Fields” program.

Together we can make a difference in the greater Richmond community.  Please think of those in need and drop off any of the items listed below at the collection boxes located in the Synagogue foyer at 10625 Patterson Ave. Henrico by Oct. 16.

Items requested are as follows (no glass containers please):

  • Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken
  • Peanut Butter Other Nut Butters (Almond, etc.) • Canned soups • Vegetables/Fruits • Canned Fruit/Applesauce • Jelly • Spaghetti and Alfredo Sauce in Cans
  • Pudding Cups • Cereal • Beans • Pasta • Crackers • Cookies • Grains & Pasta or Other Cereal • Powdered Milk • Laundry Detergent •  Tissues • Toothpaste
  • Dish Soap

(If purchasing canned goods, please buy ones with pull tab lids; since homeless individuals may not have a can opener.)

For additional information, please contact the synagogue office at (804) 740-4747

Attention Or Atid pickleball players! 

Our first pickleball round robin social event is set for Sunday, Oct. 2nd from 2-4 pm at Richmond Country Club, 12950 Patterson Avenue.  The courts are located on the left as you drive in.

Please bring your own beverage and a snack to share.   Non-members are welcome to attend but request that you pre-register by calling the office in advance at (804) 740-4747.

Gan Chesed/Kindness Garden Update

The Gan Chesed/Kindness Garden continues to grow and thrive. Congregation Or Atid has provided the Elmer Toth Food Pantry at the Weinstein JCC with over 85 pounds of organically grown, local produce. There is more still to come!

The garden now has a new sensory item thanks to volunteers Norm Geller and Daniel Elmakis. This new addition is a pool noodle jungle for kids to run through, providing a wonderful tactile and kinesthetic experience.

Additionally, there is now a beautiful new wood pergola in the garden space. On a very hot and steamy day, volunteers (in photo above) Daniel Elmakis, Barry Green, Dan Miller, Harry Kirschbaum, Norm Geller, Ron Fink (not pictured), and Dan Miller (not pictured) spent all day erecting this prominent structure.

This more permanent addition to the garden area will allow Congregation Or Atid to have greater Richmond, community-wide programs and events. It will also be used for educational and learning experiences, including activities for people of all abilities.

The pergola area will also allow Congregation Or Atid to have an outdoor venue for other functions and activities, including holidays such as Sukkot.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Jewish Community Federation and private donors for providing the funds for this splendid pergola.

Congregation Or Atid’s Gan Chesed/Kindness garden is supported, in part, by a generous grant from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.

For more on the Gan Chesed/Kindenss Garden and its growing community partnership and connections, see HOME PAGE  FEATURE ARTICLE.