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Brith Achim Happenings


By David Goldstein

The seasons are changing and many new programs and improvements are underway at Congregation Brith Achim!  Some normal practices are ongoing:

  • High Holiday services included our frequent guest soloist, Lynn Lapidas.
  • Children and Adult services continue, both in-person and on Zoom.
  • Torah study reconvenes after the High Holidays.

We are making improvements to all services and Sukkot will be the first major holiday being revamped.  The Rabbi’s Sukkah will be hosted at the synagogue.  Art for the Sukkah was created by our children’s service participants during our Sunday “picnics in the park” series.

Select dates will include food and music as part of services in the Sukkah – with a new klezmer band constituted from among congregational musicians.

We also are preparing to launch our new Hebrew learning program.  Sponsored by the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, this new program teaches Hebrew through games, activities and traditional  means – but at novel environments such as libraries and restaurants.

We are in the preparation phase now and will be offering classes in November.

For more information on any of these activities, contact David Goldstein at drdaveg@gmail.com.