Home Synagogues Keneseth Beth Israel JLEAP plans next event for June 12

JLEAP plans next event for June 12


JLEAP, (Jewish Learning, Enrichment and Play) is eager to announce our final event before the summer, a Shabbat Experience Museum.

At this museum, all exhibits are hands-on! We invite you to come explore the symbols and traditions of Shabbat through science, building, art, gardening, games and more. There is something for everyone at this popup museum experience and the fun and learning are free for the whole family to enjoy.

Please join us on Sunday, June 12 from 10 a.m. – noon, at the Weinstein JCC at this unique and one-of-a-kind program.

We also welcome our older school-aged children, tweens and teens to participate in the youth leadership component of our program, J-LEAD and to volunteer for one of two shifts during the event that day as leaders working with our younger guests at activity stations and museum exhibits.

To register for the event and/or J-LEAD program, please visit www.kbirva.com/JLEAP.

Do you have questions about JLEAP or J-LEAD? Are you the parent of an older child who is looking for leadership opportunities within the Jewish community? Are you an adult looking for your own opportunities to volunteer and share your talents with the Jewish community?

Contact JLEAP Program Director Michal Lipp at inpraiseofplay@gmail.com.
Join us as we take this next LEAP together!