Home Synagogues Brith Achim Brith Achim Happenings

Brith Achim Happenings


By David Goldstein, PhD

Spring is just around the corner and March should bring us one of the most active holiday seasons in years!

The month of Adar brings us Purim.

This year, our Jewish Community Federation of Richmond-sponsored children’s group is putting together a Purim puppet show at our yearly Purim celebration.

Brith Achim celebrates Purim with a party with a communal megillah reading – with this year adding our child participants as the guests of honor with their Purim Puppet Play (see the accompanying announcement below.)

March also features a follow-up presentation on last year’s computer security presentation, Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself.

Led jointly by Dr. David Goldstein (education chair) and Phil Sussman (security chair), the two will provide hands-on guidance on securing your information and equipment in this Zoom talk.

David Goldstein brings decades of experience in computer science and research on information warfare to the talk. Phil Sussman provides communications and security expertise from his state police background.

The agenda promises to be entertaining and informative!

Shabbat services are ongoing on Friday nights and the first and third Saturday of each month.

Saturday’s services include both adult services and the JCFR-sponsored Children’s Awesome Service Experience. Services are on Zoom and in-person (where feasible, based upon CDC and State of Virginia guidance). Thursday night Torah study is a video examination of the founding of Israel over Zoom.

For more information or to sign up to participate in our activities contact David Goldstein at drdaveg@gmail.com.

WANTED: Puppets and Players for the Purim Puppet Play

Congregation Brith Achim’s children’s service participants are putting on a Purim puppet show so we are looking for new or gently-used puppets (all extra materials will be donated to charity during the month of March).

We also have a few openings left for participating in the show, especially in the chorus.

To learn more about participating in the play or to arrange dropping off puppets at a convenient location, contact David Goldstein at drdaveg@gmail.com.