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A Jewish Camp at the Beach

Sababa Beachway works with WRV Surf to provide incredible surf lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced campers.

Co-Directors Danny Mishkin and Lynn Lancaster of Sababa Beachaway in Virginia Beach are excited to welcome campers back beginning with their first two-week session on June 28.

Besides, surfing, sailing, scuba, ocean discovery, and ocean arts, Sababa Beachway campers make best friends from all over the country.

Sababa Beachaway is a Jewish co-ed sleepaway camp dedicated to growth through ocean living. It is a recipient of the Foundation of Jewish Camp Incubator Grant, funded by the Jim Joseph and Avi Chai Foundations. The camp is very passionate about offering a fun and Jewish Summer experience to all campers. They serve kids in the rising fifth through twelfth grades.

“We offer the best in camp life, beach life and Jewish Life,” noted Danny. “That’s what we want parents and kids to know.”

Danny explained, “We are a camp specializing in sailing, surfing, scuba diving, ocean discovery and ocean art based at Virginia Wesleyan University. We blend all of our wondrous and exciting beach-based activities with a nice variety of Jewish spirituality and mindfulness to have an incredible Summer for our kids.”

What’s new?

“Our new campus at Virginia Wesleyan has a pool, so our campers will be doing more swimming and water activities in the afternoon. We also have added some advanced scuba courses in our second session this year for those already scuba certified.  We also are adding a Surfing and Sailing Plus program for campers who want to improve in their skills.”

He added, “We welcome Jewish kids from all over the country and have kids coming from 18 states and counselors/staff coming from Israel, Mexico and other locations at Sababa Beachaway located in beautiful Virginia Beach.”

Kids can come for two-weeks, four weeks or six-weeks. “Many come for the full six-weeks,” noted Danny. “We adhere to the highest level of health and safety standards at all times.”

“Excitement is our common denominator.”

Three two-week sessions are offered this summer: June 28 – July 10,  July 12-24 and July 26-Aug. 8.  For more details and registration, sabababeachaway.org.

Camp Sababa Beachaway features many water activities and is dedicated to growth through ocean living with Jewish spirituality.