Home Federation A Note From Maya

A Note From Maya


We started the year welcoming Benny and Jasmine, the Partnership Southeast Fellows to Israel. These two young adults chose to volunteer for a year in Israel and more specifically in the Hadera-Eiron region and be part of the local community of Pardes-Hanna-Karkur.

They seem to have come with incredible energy and a lot of passion to share their Jewish-American life story with Israelis and transmit their experience back to the US.

With their help, we will be implementing tangible programs on the ground and strengthen the living bridge between the communities in our Southeast Consortium and the overall Partnership.

Follow them on Instagram: p2g.hadera_eiron.fellows

And engage with them on Facebook: Hadera Eiron Fellows

Shabbat Shalom,

Maya Shoham

P2G Director

Hadera-Eiron Southeast US & Czech