Home Federation Reverse Tashlich a big success

Reverse Tashlich a big success


The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond was excited to join with over 100 communities internationally to participate in Reverse Tashlich.

A program intended to inspire service, commitment, and education in hopes to repair our world. In partnership with James River Association, we were able to host a clean-up at Pony Pasture along our beautiful James River. Over 50 community members showed up as we collected over 20 bags of trash!

Our most interesting MOOP (matter out of place) discoveries had to have been a dismantled grill, a wallet, and even one shoe!  It was a wonderful day full of community and connection and we were thrilled to have spent the day making a lasting impact our great city.

Thank you to our community for playing a part in this movement!

For more information on this program and other engagement opportunities please email Rachel Peters at, Rpeters@jewishrichmond.org