Home Synagogues Beth Ahabah Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company: Interfaith Expansion Section Update

Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company: Interfaith Expansion Section Update

A recent photo of an area in the New Section.

The Board of Directors of Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., would like to give the Richmond Jewish community an update on the expansion to the existing Richmond Beth-El Cemetery located at Forest Lawn.

The two plus acres for the New Section that will allow for the internment of a non-Jewish spouse or partner to be buried directly next to their Jewish spouse or partner, as well as the traditional burial of a Jewish couple, has been cleared.

Phase 1 Completed

What will you see if you visit the Cemetery? Phase 1 has been completed. The new area has been cleared, and we were able to save some lovely trees to add to the planned landscaping.

The road connecting this New Section to the adjacent original Cemetery is waiting for asphalt and sidewalks are in place. Phase 2 is underway. It includes finishing off meditation areas, putting in a water supply and irrigation, and the planting of extensive landscaping.

We are looking forward to inviting the Jewish Community to a Consecration of the New Section as a Jewish Cemetery at the completion of Phase 2. This should take place early in October after the High Holidays.

If you have questions, please contact Bette Rose Webne, Administrator of the Cemetery Corporation at BRP124@comast.net, or her home phone (after 10 a.m.) at 804-270-3430.

We wish you and your family a healthy and Happy New Year.

L’Shana Tova!

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