Home Synagogues Beth-El Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., announces major expansion for an Interfaith Section

Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., announces major expansion for an Interfaith Section


The Board of Directors of Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., are pleased to announce to the entire Richmond Jewish community the expansion, currently under construction, to the existing Richmond Beth-El Cemetery located at Forest Lawn.

In 1936, two acres of land was purchased and consecrated as a burial ground for persons of the Jewish faith. Through the years between 1950 and 1958, 4 more acres were purchased. Today in 2021 in the Cemetery’s 85th year, an additional two plus acres of land adjacent to the existing cemetery have been acquired.

In keeping with our continuing evolution of Jewish life today, this New Section of the Cemetery will allow for the interment of a non-Jewish spouse or partner to be buried directly next to their Jewish spouse or partner, as is currently only permitted for traditional Jewish burials.

In addition, this new addition to the Cemetery will continue to offer to the Richmond Jewish community a place for traditional Jewish burial.

The Cemetery Corporation is planning for this project to be completed by early fall of 2021. More specific information will be made available shortly.

For questions, please contact Bette Rose Webne, administrator of the Cemetery Corporation at BRP124@comast.net, or her home phone (after 10 a.m.) at (804) 270-3430.